Invisalign Treatment



What is Invisalign?

Meet the equivalent of an invisibility cloak for your teeth. Only you will know that you’re wearing an Invisalign brace so you can let it work its magic while you get on with your life.

It uses a set of clear aligners to straighten your teeth. The Invisalign aligner will correct overcrowding and gaps in your teeth and it’s removable, so it’s easier to clean and you can take it out for special occasions. The best thing about it is that you could see results in as little as 12 weeks.

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How does it work?

After you’ve visited us for a consultation, we’ll take impressions of your teeth as well as a few X-rays of your dental structure. While you’re with us, we’ll also use 3D technology to show you how your teeth will look at the end of the treatment – we told you it was magic.

This is called a clincheck where you will be able to see exactly how your teeth will move into the desired positions week-by-week. Once you are happy with it, we can proceed with your Invisalign treatment at Park Street Dental.

We’ll then send the impressions of your teeth to the Invisalign technicians who make the clear aligners. Each aligner will be worn for one-two weeks or until your teeth have moved into the position of the aligner. When this happens, it’s time for a new one so we will fit a new aligner and repeat the process until your teeth are perfectly straight.

You’ll wear the aligners for around 22 hours a day and throughout the treatment, we’ll do our very best to make sure that you’re as comfortable as possible while you get used to wearing them.

Need some advice? Book your Invisalign consultation at Park Street Dental to speak directly with our cosmetic dentists.

A £35 refundable deposit will be required to secure the appointment.

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Key Benefits of the Invisalign Treatment

The Invisalign clear aligners are almost invisible when you smile. You really must look closely to see them. They are one of the most discreet teeth straightening treatments currently available to adults.

The Invisalign treatment has now straightened the smiles of over 11million people in the world. They are the leaders in the clear aligner field and have the most advanced technology available to create your dream straight smile. Top notch stuff using 3D technology!

The Invisalign clear aligners treatment we provide here at Park Street Dental, Bridgend, are unlike some other ‘at-home’ aligner options and are only available to practices and dentists that have been trained to do it. This means that when you decide to have your teeth straightened with Invisalign, your journey will be followed by a dentist who will be able to monitor your progress.

The beauty of having clear aligners compared to fixed braces is that they can fit around your lifestyle as they can be removed. This means they can be taken out for special occasions, but you must remember to put them back in. This can be a benefit to some people and a detriment to others as it does require willpower to keep wearing them for the required 22hrs a day to avoid delays in the treatment itself.

For some people a fixed brace system like Quick Straight teeth, may be a better option. The same aligners can then be used to whiten your teeth at the end of the treatment if required.

Because of the technology involved, it is one of the fastest clear aligner treatments. This, of course, will depend on a few factors including how fast your teeth actually move. The beauty of Invisalign is that your dentist can place some tooth-coloured attachments on your teeth which help the clear aligners move the teeth into desired positions faster.

As if the other benefits were not enough, one of the best things is that with the amazing 3D technology available, you can see the end result, even before starting it. Not only will you see the before and after, but you will also see how the transformation happens week-by-week.

This is possible through a scan which is then sent off to Invisalign to produce a 3D digital model (a Clincheck) of the transformation where you can see the movement of the teeth at every stage. You will discuss this Clincheck with your dentist before deciding whether to proceed with the treatment here at Park Street Dental or not.

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